Thursday, June 25, 2009

RIP Michael Jackson 1958 - 2009

Then Almitra spoke, saying, "We would ask now of Death."

And he said:

You would know the secret of death.

But how shall you find it unless you seek it in the heart of life?

The owl whose night-bound eyes are blind unto the day cannot unveil the mystery of light.

If you would indeed behold the spirit of death, open your heart wide unto the body of life.

For life and death are one, even as the river and the sea are one.

In the depth of your hopes and desires lies your silent knowledge of the beyond;

And like seeds dreaming beneath the snow your heart dreams of spring.

Trust the dreams, for in them is hidden the gate to eternity.

Your fear of death is but the trembling of the shepherd when he stands before the king whose hand is to be laid upon him in honour.

Is the shepherd not joyful beneath his trembling, that he shall wear the mark of the king?

Yet is he not more mindful of his trembling?

For what is it to die but to stand naked in the wind and to melt into the sun?

And what is to cease breathing, but to free the breath from its restless tides, that it may rise and expand and seek God unencumbered?

Only when you drink from the river of silence shall you indeed sing.

And when you have reached the mountain top, then you shall begin to climb.

And when the earth shall claim your limbs, then shall you truly dance.

- Khalil Gibran

Michael Jackson: Thank you for a catalog of music that I will always cherish...I hope you will be remembered for your music not for a small chapter of your life, but for how you and your music impacted the world.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Adapting to a New Path

Sometime life throws you a curve ball, and sometimes it reveals a different path than the one you are currently on. Adaptability and how well you deal with change determines your success on the path.

1. No Whining and Complaining Rule - If I whine and complain about the path...I will miss out on the chance to truly view the path.

2. Make The Best Of The Situation - Now that I am on that path, find the all the good things about the it and enjoy it.

3. Surround myself with positive people who will make my journey worthwhile. Negative people suck the joy of any experience, so I have removed them from my path.

This new path could be the most amazing journey I have ever encountered.

So far I am learning to enjoy my path!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Spring is here!

I love the sights and sounds of spring. At my client site in a rural part of the south, I get to see all the new calfs, the new little goats (I think they are called kids) and the birds are chirping loudly. I have been quite busy....trying to stay busy....: ) And keep my allergies at bay!

The house has some new work done, my brother liked my home's upgrades so much he went back to NY and started work immediately on his. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery right? Well, it kind of has me laughing, that I motivated them to do some much needed repairs. Oh well....I am always glad to inspire.

While traveling I decided it was time for a new toy. I have not had a new car in the past 3.5 years. So I went out and got what I wanted! No input from any males, or family members. I have yet to really drive it...immediately after the purchase I had to return to the client site, so other than the first initial 20 miles, I have yet to let her rip. My brother and his family got more joy out of it during their week stay. Now it is sitting in the garage...waiting for my return this Friday!

I got word from my ex boyfriend (Germany) that he is getting married. I am happy for him and of course I kicked myself one more time! Everyone has the story of the one that got away. Mr. Germany is my story....why and how did he get away? My stubborn, idiot butt, and did I mention? My stubborn and idiotic ways got the best of me. I just walked away with no real explanation to him and when I decided to explain why I was so dumb, it was a year later and miles between us could not ease the void. I should stayed with him. I was just stubborn, scared, oh yeah... stubborn and young. As the years have gone by and we have kept in touch, I realized that he is extremely happy. I am happy that he is very happy and I wish them the best!

As for me, I can't say I have been dealt a bad hand in life. I have loved 2 amazing men, Mr. Germany being one of them and my first boyfriend. Both of them, could have been my forever loves. But I let them slip past. I have come to realize that I do meet some incredible men, I am just not ready for them. So while I live what others may deem as a lonely know how some of your friends think you are not whole without a man. I must say a man does not complete me, but loves does. Only Mr. Croix and Mr. Germany had enough love to complete me. I am glad I have loved, especially those two. Maybe they have prepared me for the real thing? Who knows? Only God...when it happens, I hope he slaps the stubborness out of me.

So the cheater was not one of your great loves?

NOPE, I knew I had issues with him after the first 90 days of dating. Infidelity was an issue then, I decided to give him a chance. Well...we all know what happens when you let a snake be a snake. After the breakup from the cheater, I am extremely happy I have moved on. I had some changes I need to go thru and I feel you cannot grow with someone who is stunted in their own growth and cannot work towards a future. This breakup was necessary....I was just wasting my time. What did I learn? Time waits for no one.

I have accomplished so much in the 6 months apart than I have in the time he and I were together. I am so proud of myself for picking up the pieces, not throwing a pity party and just moving ahead 65 miles per hour! I have not looked back!

I have started a dream board (I got the idea from a Oprah show)...So far I have accomplished 2 tasks and my next goal is to find a older home with a lot of land and to refurbish it by myself! I have one in mind...I will let you know if I get it. I plan on making it my get away for family and friends...a cottage in the country. I have other tasks to accomplish as well : ) But the cottage house is a dream I want to fulfill in the coming years.

The next 6 months are about No Regrets....and I am not allowed to say I am sorry! I have a habit of apologizing for others! No more complaining and whining about the recent wrongs and injustices...I am only allowed to laugh, live out loud and to love!

So watch out world! I am back!

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

A New Year and I am making the changes I need!

A New Year: So, it is a new year and everyone is still hyped from the inauguration. Sadly, I did not attend. I am now consulting and my travels had me on the road. I was in a state that did not vote for Obama. What a drag! But during this economy you go where you get work. Right? I have no complaints, my company has strong reputation and a leader in consulting and my client is a great company, a very strong international one. For that I am very thankful.

Life on the road: I took a raw cooking class one evening to pass away the time in a strange city. I was impressed the instructor, she was great and the dishes were easy. I have managed to reproduce them with no problems or fancy tools. The dishes were so delightful I have made them over and over again. I was only taught 3 dishes, so I now realize I need to get a recipe book. Notice I did not say cookbook? Because in the raw food movement, nothing is cooked. There are some dishes that are use heat of 110 degrees, but that is hardly cooking or not even a hot dish! LOL. When food is "cooked" it is dehydrated and that is a little better than warming up the dish.

Clearing out the bad food and bad characters: I have to get rid of the meat in my freezer and some other bad foods I have stored but I have been eating more veggies than normal and I have noticed a huge difference. I am less agitated and very calm. I could attribute it to getting rid of some drama I had in my life. LOL! Long story but the short version is I got rid of dead weight. See my post from June of 2006 if you want to know who the dead weight is. I should have learned my lesson. Some people never change and that man is one of them. I have branded him as a Liar and a Cheater. No one refers to him by name, they call him that. He has the nerve to call me every so often. WHAT? He should call Barbara....the woman he called such ugly names and talked about so badly...was actually the women he cheated with. Silly me....I now realize what a waste of time. I realized that having drama like that brings negative energy and it caused me some unnecessary pain. I am lucky I have such good intuition, something made me just stop and ask him what was going on. I asked him that the day after he cheated. I then became suspicious of him, his stuttering and goofiness was a good clue. Then the truth was revealed by a very insecure, immature and silly person, all I could do was laugh and say really? I already knew. He was so desperate acting in the following days after the call, trying to throw my suspicions off and swearing the call had nothing to do with him. I look back and I thank my intuition. It saved me from going any further. Anyway, I life has more going on than that temporary blip on my radar. Trust me that blip's fading fast. I would like to say I did learn something. You can never go backwards! You have to move forward and make progress! Life is too short! This is not a dress rehearsal! So out with the bad and in with the good. It has been all good since! Very good in fact!

Progress! I am making great progress...meeting great people and leaving behind the drama and the nonsense. Life is too short! Mine life is meant to be lived and to shine! I have also been volunteering again. See the photo below from the volunteer event on MLK day.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Time for a Change!

For most Americans Nov 4th was the historic moment....I will admit it was a heart warming moment for me. I sat in a hotel room and shared the moment with millions of Americans, screaming with pride! Barack Obama became the first Black to become president!

Change is an interesting concept...many folks (myself included) make New Years resolutions about changing bad habits and then they fail miserably. Both parties for the presidential campaign used slogans that toted the word change. Each candidate laid out their version of what changes would be made under their guidance. Now that Barack has won, many will expect immediate changes. I am hopeful he makes the changes our country needs, but more importantly I am willing to work for those changes. After Nov 4th passed by I realized that the word change could just be lip service if you are not committed to actually doing the hard work.

So for me change means working hard to see the end results. It takes commitment and perseverance to be the change that you want. It also takes support. No one can change alone, well at least not me...I need support. For me I need the help of my friends and family.

Thanks to my friends and family, who understood that I needed to see the worst of humanity in order to remember the beauty of it and to realize my own strengths.

So I am off to see the world, and be the change I am seeking, especially now that I don't have any distractions or annoyances. Watch out world!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Where has time flown?

Today I realized it is June 13th, Yes Friday the 13th! Now where has Sara been? I had to ask myself the same question. I have been running : ) Yes I finished the Cooper River Bridge Run and I bested my time by 1.56 minutes. I met some really nice folks and had a great time. I traveled with a good friend, who left me at the starting line. LOL....It was his first race and he was very excited!

He did it in under 1 hour, now mind you, one day I want to run a 10k under 1 hour, but I am going to need to practice more than just 3 months out of the year! We had a grand time in Charleston.

No, we did not get to see Uncle Charles and Aunt Carmen, our schedules could never get on track and when they were free...we were tired from the race. We did get a chance to attend a Cajun Festival on Jame's Island. The music was great...there was a really great band from New Orleans that rocked the place! We ate crawfish and had other goodies! It was an awesome festival!

How is the vegetarian lifestyle going? Out the damn window! Yep I said it! I tossed it. I was not losing any weight and found myself tired and lethargic at times. So I switched to a pescetarian lifestyle. What in the Sam ask? (yes, I am starting to pick up some Carolina slang.)

Pescetarianism is a dietary choice, in which a person — known as a pescetarian — eats fish or other non-mammalian aquatic animals but will not eat terrestrial animals or marine mammals. Some animal products like eggs and dairy may be part of a pescetarian diet.

How is that working? Tossed that out of the window last week after a long visit with my mother's side of the family. I realized when I am by myself I am a very healthy eater! However, my family's influence, not to say its unhealthy, but its is full of delicious roasted meats and gosh...just thinking about it ...well man! How can you turn down your favorite childhood dishes?

Just mention the name Aunt Aida...a great aunt who used to be a caterer and my stomach growls with delight! At 84, she still wields a mighty sword (JJ Henckel knives) and a oven as a shield. Coupled with my Aunt Pat on the grill (any chicken within a mile should run! All fish should swim as far away as possible!) and my Uncle Preston is quite the story teller, and tells some great jokes. As the official bartender, you begin to realize that after 1 drink you will be staying in their home for quite awhile. No ifs, buts or what! Now he does make a mean Pineapple and Tequila drink. I am not sure of the recipe but it was great!

As soon as we turn into the gates of their palatial home, (small by their standards but 4,500 sq feet with a view of 11th hole of a prestigious golf course), my heart melts, my stomach sighs and I feel like a 6 year old ready to kick my feet under the table with delight. I love to sit in the lanai after a meal and watch the golfers play a round of golf. I also love to enjoy a great cup of her coffee and to delightfully await her magical desserts. I am on a gastronomic high...that only my elders and a few 5 star chefs can give me.

So I realized that eating meat and the preparation of each meal is part of my culture, it's my heritage. I want to pass those traditions off to our next generation. I want my nieces and nephews to come to my house with the same anticipation of a good meal that will beckon them back again and again.

So I will just eat healthier to offset any unhealthy meals...I will indulge in my love for food...I am a ifs butts or is who I am!

So, after my last rant about Silliary. I have to apologize to everyone, I was so sick and tired of being sick and tired of HRC and her campaign antics. In the end I just felt sorry for her. She ran the course, but like a overzealous runner, she ran an extra lap after she knew she had passed the finish line, long after the winner had been announced. Then she had to audacity to want to throw a temper tantrum, to rant that she had really won because she had run the extra lap. The saddest part was when she mentioned that she would be open to becoming the vice president. I was like WTF? Not unless, Obama had 365 food tasters, an army of body guards and the Pope on speed dial would that happen!

I thought I would never blog about my political leanings, but I not am sorry for using this forum to air my feelings. One day I will look back at the Clinton's and be thankful for Bill's time in the White House and HRC time in the Senate. I just need some time without them both in the media to forget the ugliness and to reflect on the good times. As for McCain, an independent, he is going to have to really wow me. Right now I like Obama and I want to work to help make a change. Words are powerful especially when they motivate and encourage.

I went to see Obama, HRC and McCain....I was only impressed once and embarrassed by the others. HRC had a pep rally with 15 speakers and 4 bands, its a small wonder why her campaign was over 21 million in debt. McCain had me wishing the food was better and I was so glad I did not pay for the event, over $200! PLEASE! (It was too much money for a dry *ss speech, coupled with under seasoned and over cooked chicken! They needed to put a coffee carafe right near me! Boring!) But I am glad I got to see all three candidates, it helped with my decision.

This past May 6th I was proud to work at the voting polls, more so than any other time in my voting life time. I saw so many people come out who had never voted or had lost hope and quit the process. All races...they all seem to want a change.

Will Obama succeed? I am optimistic and taking 1 day at a time. I love to hear my Great Aunt talk about the possibilities of the future and how she never thought she would live to see the day. Uncle Preston (a staunch Republican) is watching Obama....he is not sure if he is going to vote for him. But at least he is watching and listening! To that I must say...Wow....Wow!

Tomorrow morning...I am off to do a long 3 mile walk thru the new green way. I will take pictures and tell you all about it.

Friday, March 28, 2008

April 5th is the Copper River Bridge Run

The race is next weekend and I am so ready. I have been preparing myself and getting amped about it.

What have I been up to? Went to see Obama at a rally here in Charlotte. I am really into the political process with him in the race. He is engaging and he garners such a diverse crowd at his events. It seems that many people of tired of the past administration and the scandal prone Clinton's.

Initially I was excited about Hillary's run, now I am so weary of her campaign's dogged and tired approach. So much venom and veiled hate has been spread by her....that I am ashamed as a woman to even think of aligning myself with her. At this point if she wins, she should not count my vote (I am a independent). I would rather vote for the moderate McCain (he did refer to himself as the liberal republican, it was a mistake..but an honest one!) than have another Clinton in the White House who will have scandal on top of scandal. Hillary needs to learn how to compromise and to work with the people. Her tone and sense of entitlement has become overbearing...and rather desperate. She says she is prepared for day 1 of the presidency, however she seems unprepared for the remaining days and is not ready for the bipartisan relationship building and compromises she will have to make. These are just my opinions....and it is my vote!

I spent Easter with family...had a great time! Got to see my beloved ocean! I love the ocean and realize I need to see and feel it at least 4 times a year.

As you may notice I am sporting my hair in its natural state. I have mixed feeling about it. At first it was too big and I was very self conscience about it. But after a little gel and some confidence....(yes a gay man yelled "You go gurrlll!")

My confidence is better.

Tell me what you think....:)